Friday, 1 November 2013

Character and Story Redesign

After a feedback session with my lecturers and fellow animators, it appears my previous designs for three main characters weren't good enough, and for good reasons too.

Their shapes and heights were not different enough to differentiate between them.
The colours were also the same
'Kathryn' the female croc was not 'feminine' enough, needed more of a female figure.
They needed names if just for the sake of pitching them.

There was also an issue with the story, building a relationship between the Croc in Rags (now called Victor) and Kathryn would take longer than 3 minutes to do successfully as was the same problem with setting up a plan for Victor and Kathryn to get together and con Griftie (the croc in the suit) out of his bag of money. I'm much happier with the direction the story now takes and with the new ending too.

The characters are named after con artists except for Griftie, which is a term con artists give to their could call this dramatic irony as although Griftie is a con artist, he does end up the victim of a con himself.

So after much work and sketching I finally came up with these new designs
As you can now see they all vary in height, shape and form. 
Kathryn is more feminine looking, giving her a feminine figure (I decided to adds curves instead of breasts because as we all know, Crocodiles have none.), she's been given a skirt and a flowing scarf which will act as a sort of hair alternative.

Victor is now a lot more rounded and shorter,  opting for a light muted green colour than his previous brown palette.
Grifite is now more angular and sharper, bigger and fatter to look more authoritative.

While redesigning Kathryn I realised her bag looks very similar to Griftie's bag of money when coloured red. It was here I had a brain wave on how to solve both the relationship issue with Victor and Kathryn and the con at the end. 
Instead, Kathryn leaves Victor for good, Grifite feels bad as previously and gives him the bag of money and position as boss of their little con program. This time though, Victor turns up in the car alone and abandons Griftie and takes the bag of money for himself. 
When he gets a toll booth, he reaches into the bag to pay the fare, only to realise he has Kathryn's bag instead of the bag of money. 
We then cut to Kathryn in a cafe, looking heart broken, she gets her bag to touch up her make-up and finds it is instead full of money!

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